What We Do

Our Work

Why it Works

Targeted Approach

Only invited clinicians can access the programs

Non-personal Active Learning

Transform existing, or new branded and disease state into an active learning format for
improved content retention and message 

Personal Active Learning

Reinforce face to face communications with the field force, conferences & expos,
sponsored dinner meetings, and live & recorded webinars

Create Good Will

Builds rapport and encourages loyalty for client organization and representatives

Sales Force Initiatives

The pandemic has changed the way clinicians interact with pharmaceutical sales representatives. A large majority of clinicians want a mixed approach of both virtual and in-person details. GWH allows for a hybrid approach to both an in-person and virtual details providing a very personal approach. 

GWH incentivizes leads to engage directly with the representative and their content in any setting - office, dinner meeting, or virtual - for their favorite charity.  Building valuable good will around the representative, the content and the industry sponsor.

95% of participants rank their experience with us as good to excellent with 55% ranking it as excellent and 80% of participants state they will change their behavior based on their participation vs 33% who viewed the same content without a donation incentive.

Direct Marketing

In the post COVID era demand for non-personal initiatives has only increased. The challenge is providing a personalized approach. GWH provides an Industry leading and award winning platform with conflict free incentivization for participating in and completion of content.

Good Works Health enables a non-personal and targeted approach that creates good will with customers and can leverage existing, or new branded or disease state content in any format including: gamification, field force communications and no-see initiatives.

27% participation rate in our campaigns vs. 7% for competitors and a 97% engagement rate vs. 2% for competitors.

Live Events

In the post pandemic world of live events demand for both in-person as well as digital access to conferences and exhibits will continue to increase. GWH incentivizes engagement in the new hybrid model of live and virtual conferences just as easily. Whether it is driving traffic to your booth or a virtual product theater, GWH has a solution for you.

43% increase in customer registration for live events and a 53% increase in attendance for live events

Digital Advertising

Pay only for fully targeted engagement and detailed feedback from high-value clinicians, not “clicks.”  The Good Works Health Affinity Platform not only validates your content is being viewed by your target audience but captures valuable participant response data at an aggregate and individual level.

Good Works has an independently measured ROI of 415% and has received the Bristol Myers Squibb Innovation Award in marketing and PM360 as one of the most innovative companies.

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